
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

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Idol who achieves all of his dreams in just 2 years

This was from 2 years ago
-I want to rank No. 1 on Billboard's Hot 100 Chart
-I want to rank No.1 on Billboard's 200 Chart
-I want to go to the Grammy Awards
-I want to go on a Stadium Tour
-I want to become the singer with the most influence in this world
It'd be nice if this all becomes true, however there's still possibility that they won't. Therefore it's not easy to talk about it out loud like this.


-All of those dreams came true<3<3

-Congratulations BTSㅠㅠ It's such an honor to be able to know how it feels like to be a part of a history...

-It brings tears to my eyes just to think about how hard they worked and the amount of effort they put to be at this pointㅠㅠ It must've been hard for them but they didn't give up. I am very proud of themㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-BTS makes me realise that every dreams can come true if we just believe in ourselves and work hard for it...

-Just imagine all the effort and hard work they do to be where they're at right nowㅠㅠㅠ

-I personally think people who have targets and actually reaches them are very amazing!! BTS is really amazing!

-Yoongi-ya, let's talk about your next targetsㅋㅋㅋ Congratulations, BTSㅠㅠ

-Yoongi-ya, I can only imagine all the hard work you do to reach all these accomplishments. Congratulations!! Let's fly even higher in the future!! I will always be rooting for you!!

-Yoongi-ya, drop the beat for your next dreams!

-Yoongi-ya, you've achieved every single dreams you talked about thereㅠㅠ BTS is the best!!

-It's so amazing how everything that Suga talks becomes true!!

-Yoongi-ya, congratulationsㅠㅠ I wonder about all the hard work you've been doing without anyone knowing...

-Thank you so much for sharing your dreams with us<3

-'What Yoongi Wants Yoongi Gets' is currently becoming a trending topic in Twitter. So, what do you want to do next, BTS?