Saturday, May 9, 2020

Which of these wrong-doings done by celebrities that you can't forgive?

Tax Evasion

Sexual crime


Driving Under Influence



Dodging military enlistment

-Sexual crimes

-Sexual crimes and DUI

-I think doing drugs and gambling are forgivable, especially if they really reflect on what they did

-Everything except for drugs and gambling...

-Sexual crimes, affair, and DUI since it doesn't only harm themselves, but also other people.

-Sexual crimes >>> DUI >>> Affair >>> The rest

-Sexual crimes are literally the worst...

-The two most unforgivable crimes for me are sexual crimes and drugs...

-H...How am I supposed to choose?

-Sexual crimes, affair, and drugs

-I think the least unforgivable one here is having an affair. The others are real crimes, and technically affair is not a real crime.

-The most unforgivable ones for me are sexual crimes and DUI

-Sexual crimes, affair, DUI, and drugs

-If I really had to choose one, it would be sexual crimes

-Everything listed here except for gambling

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