Ads on bus: 1,500,000KRW ($1339)
Ads on subway station: 300,000~40,000,000KRW ($267~$35,640)
Electronic display ads: Start from 10,000,000KRW ($8910)
Buzzers in cafes (picture below): Start from 1,000,000KRW ($891)
These trainees haven't even debuted and yet their fans have already gifted them with not only one, but many advertisements in different places.
-Jihoon-ah.. Jinyoung-ah.. Let's debut..
-Whoa.. That's dope..
-Their real intention behind putting those ads up is actually to cheer the trainees up, not to get people to vote for them..
-Whoa.. That's really amazing..
-It doesn't cost much to put ads on buzzers in cafes lmao..
-I heard it only costs 500,000KRW ($441) to put ads on buzzers in cafes..
-Hyunbin's ad board looks so nice..
-Did the girls during the first season also get advertisements like these?
-No! I think the influence the second season made is way bigger than the first season did!
-Why did we put up these ads? Because we need our boys to debut..
-I'm going to go to Seoul this week just to see Daniel's advertisement in the subway station~^^
-Because they have to gain popularity in order to debut..
-Park Sungwoo is so handsome..
-It's actually my first time seeing celebrities come to subway station to see their ads, and even leave some notes on it.. It's a very lovely sight to look at..
-Whoa.. No one's going to mention how beautiful the designs are?
-Huk.. I wish I could go to Seoul..ㅠㅠ
-Hyunbin-ah, I'm waiting for you to debut..ㅠㅠ I always feel like tearing up whenever I see these ads..ㅠㅠ
-Whoa.. Look at the amount of love their fans give to them..
-I feel sorry to those fans who can't afford their bias these expensive ads..ㅠㅠ
-I donated for Jihoon's ads, which mean a pixel of it was paid by my money..ㅋㅋㅋ
-I always see Guan Lin and Jihoon's ads on my way to school.. Going to school has never been this exciting..