Lai Guan Lin from Taiwan
Justin from China
Takada Kenta from Japan
Seems like all foreigners can't sit with their legs crossed..
-Guan Lin looks like a giraffe in the first pictureㅋㅋㅋ
-Kentaㅠㅠ He's such a cutie..
-Whoa.. That's fascinating..
-Hm? I thought Japanese can sit with their legs crossed, especially men!
-Each individuals are different!
-It's probably because their legs are too long?
-This reminds me of Seungkwan.. He can't sit with his legs crossed too.. Heheh..
-Guan Lin-ah, let's debut!
-Guan Lin looks like a baby giraffe, he's so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Ah.. They're all so cuteㅋㅋㅋ
-I've seen Guan Lin sit with his legs crossed, I think he just can't cross his legs for a long time!
-That's so cute..ㅠㅠ Our Seungkwan can't cross his legs like that too..
-I was expecting to see Taedong in this list..