Saturday, December 31, 2016

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The birth of Jung Wheein's Choppy Bangs

'The location where they cut Jung Wheein's bangs'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
'It has been 2 years since the last time you cut your bangs, right?'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
'I'm shaking really hard right now..'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
'Half excited + Half worried + Half shaking'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
'Wait a minute!!!'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
*holding back her tears* 'Hold on..'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
'My heart is not ready yet'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
'Wait a minute!!!!!!'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
'A serious debate to decide the right length for her bangs'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
Opinion #1" If you want to give off something 'new', you should cut it shorter'

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
Opinion #2 "If you want to play safe and look pretty, you don't have to cut it anymore"

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
Opinion #3 "You look cuter if you cut it shorter"

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
Opinion #4 "Looking cute is not the original plan. I just want to give off something 'new'"

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
Opinion #5 "Your bangs already look 'new' right now"
Opinion #6 "Then how about Chucky Bangs?"

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈
'The final looks"

한 아이돌의 처피뱅 탄생 과정.jpg | 인스티즈

-'Chucky Bangs'ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She looks really lovelyㅠㅠㅠ

-Where did her arms go in the last pictureㅋㅋㅋ She's so cute I might dieㅋㅋㅋ

-Whoa.. This might sounds random but Hwasa looks really pretty.. She's my type..

-She looks really pretty in the first picture..

-Whoa.. She looks really really pretty with no bangs..

-She's lovely no matter what she does..

-She's really beautiful..

-She looks cute and pretty at the same time..ㅠㅠ

-She looks pretty with Choppy Bangs..ㅋㅋㅋ

-Out of every people who have tried Choppy Bangs, she's the only one who looks beautiful with it..

-Hwasa said 'Chucky Bangs'ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Hwasa sounds like a salon's owner..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Hul.. She looks a little bit like Solar in the first picture..

-I can see Taeyeon in some of those pictures..

-Hwasa sounds really coolㅋㅋㅋ

-I thought the last picture was edited..

-She looks girly without bangs, and she looks cute with itㅠㅠ

-I think she looks better with bangs..

-Jung Wheein, I love you so much!!

-She's so cute..ㅠㅠ

-She really looks like a babyㅋㅋㅋ

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