Monday, December 19, 2016

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GDragon replied an Instagram DM from a 6th grader fanboy

'GD replied to my Instagram DM.. I'm still alive right now.. My heart is fluttering..<3 I just sent it to him without any expectation, but seems like GD was bored.. He communicates a lot with his fans these daysㅠㅠ I feel really niceㅠㅠ I'm just a fanboy who still sits in 6th grade, and I will never forget this for the rest of my lifeㅠ I love Bigbang, and also people who love Bigbang!ㅠㅠ'

Fanboy: I love you. I really mean it, G-Dragon Hyungnimㅠㅠ I love you I love you I love you.
GD: Me too
Fanboy: Hul

And also the post that became hot topic a few days ago:
초딩 6학년 남팬한테 인스타그램 다이렉트 답장 해준 지드래곤.jpg | 인스티즈
Fan: Iloveyou(x100..?)
GD: I love you too.

초딩 6학년 남팬한테 인스타그램 다이렉트 답장 해준 지드래곤.jpg | 인스티즈
초딩 6학년 남팬한테 인스타그램 다이렉트 답장 해준 지드래곤.jpg | 인스티즈
초딩 6학년 남팬한테 인스타그램 다이렉트 답장 해준 지드래곤.jpg | 인스티즈
초딩 6학년 남팬한테 인스타그램 다이렉트 답장 해준 지드래곤.jpg | 인스티즈

-Sweet guy..

-Ah.. He's so sweetㅠㅠ

-He has a lot of followers but he still checks his DM..

-Whoa.. I would pass out if I was that fanboy..

-Whoa.. It's my first time seeing Kwon Jiyong replying an Instagram DM..

-Ah.. He's so sweet.. Kwon Jiyong, I love youㅠㅠ

-I'm so jealous of them.. Like really really jealous..

-As expected from Mr. Kwon Friendly..ㅠㅠㅠ

-This might sound random but I think he looks cuter when his face is swollen..

-Hul.. That's amazing.. If I was that fanboy, I would screen capture that DM and print it and stick it on my wall..

-Whoa.. My heart is fluttering..

-I also sent him a DMㅠㅠ But he hasn't replied to mine..

-Will I get a reply too if I pretend as if I'm a fanboy?

-He just said two words, "Me too" but my heart is beating so hard right now..

-That 'Hul' in the end is so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-That's amazing.. and the fanboy is really cuteㅋㅋㅋ

-I guess he checks his DM, after all..

-He's a real celebrity..

-Please say that you love me too, Jiyong-ahㅠㅠ

-GD.. You are.. so lovely..

-What the.. He's so cute!!

-Oppa..ㅠㅠ I love you too..

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