Monday, December 19, 2016

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The girlgroup member who looks like the mixture of Son Naeun and Tzuyu

I don't think her group has officially debuted,
but she's in a group called LOOΠA and her name is Hyunjin.
Judging from her appearance on TV back then when she was in 7th grade, I think she's a natural beauty.

손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈
손나은+쯔위 닮은 듯한 걸그룹 멤버.JPG | 인스티즈

-Whoa.. She looks like both of them more than I thought.. It's just like.. Son Naeun with Tzuyu's eyes..

-She looks like T-Ara's Soyeon..

-She looks like Kim Goeun's cousin in Goblin..

-Oh..ㅋㅋ She really has both Son Naeun and Tzuyu vibes in her face..

-I also can see a little bit of Black Pink's Jennie..

-Whoa.. She's so pretty..

-And Seolhyun too.. She's beautiful..

-I think it's more like Seolhyun and Naeun..

-Whoa.. She looks like the mixture of the prettiest idols in this era.. Seolhyun + Tzuyu + Jennie + Son Naeun..

-Whoa.. She's beautiful.. I can see a little bit of Myungsoo in her face in the first picture..

-Hyunjin is beautiful..ㅠㅠ

-I can see IOI's Kim Doyeon in her..

-Her voice slightly sounds like Seolhyun's..

-Whoa.. She really does look pretty..

-She looks like Shin Jihoon..

-I thought she was Tzuyu in the second picture..


-Huk.. This is crazy.. She's really beautiful..

-Tzuyu + Jennie

-I think she just looks like Tzuyu..

-Half of her face looks like Tzuyu and the other half looks like Son Naeun

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