Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The person who reported IU to the CIA revealed to be an American conservative Youtuber ... "I hope you get f*cked up" Harsh criticism

A Youtuber who claimed to have reported IU to the CIA has appeared to explain her reasons for doing so.

On the 18th, a video titled 'I reported IU to the U.S CIA' was uploaded to Youtube. In the video, Youtuber A, began the video by saying, "Our IU, who is woke and sings so well. She's supporting people who are protesting against Yoon Sukyeol. She's even providing food for them, and even making the vibe that they have to go out and protest." She continued, "I think she's making people feel like they need to go out and protest. I wanted to help her too. I want her idea to be spread to a lot of people, so I told the CIA about what she's doing. Not just me, I want you guys to report her as well. People like IU, people who think they're awake and awake." The video ended with the Youtuber directing explicit language at IU, saying, "I hope you get f*cked up


-She's an American woman married to a Hannam. Apparently, her Korean husband writes her scripts. Yeah, but that doesn't mean she's some naive person being controlled. She knows exactly what she's saying. She used to be an international couple Youtuber, but since that wasn’t making money, she changed the direction of her channel. Back then, her husband used to show his face, but now he hides behind her and lets her take the spotlight.

-She’s clearly mentally unstable.

-Hul... I assumed she was a man because of her face. I can't believe she's actually a woman.

-Can’t she be sued for this?

-Guys, don’t ever click on her Youtube videos. She’s a pathetic, hateful b*tch who lives off views. She’s always spouting nonsense about 'Moon Jae-ang' and stuff. Just don’t make her view counts increase.

-Report her! Everyone, report her!!!

-Certified dumbass.

-Does she really think IU will be f*cked up by this...?

-Who are you?ㅋ

-She’s a woman? She’s just attention-seeking for views. Just don't give her any attention.

-The one who will actually get f*cked up is you.

-I can’t even tell her gender or ethnicity. Is she even Korean?

-Seriously, though... There's no way IU will get f*cked up just because of this...

-IU’s legal team, sue her.

-Does she not have a brain?

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