Wednesday, December 18, 2024


DAY6's main dancer, Sungjin, seems to have improved a lot in new challenge videos


His previous challenge videos... (He's doing his best in these videos) 


-Looks like he's been practicing.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Our main dancer, Dejang👍🏻👍🏻 He has improved so much!

-I feel betrayed.

-Is this... improvement...?...ㅠ........

-Don't improve.

-I feel betrayed. Why does he dance so much better now?

-He actually dances so good, I feel a little hurt.

-I was shocked. Look at how relaxed his expression is.

-Wait, why has he improved so much? Has he been practicing dancing?

-Wait... He’s actually gotten way better??

-I wonder if he has been practicing dancing these days?

-I'm not a fan, but I'm so sad to see him getting better at dancing. Can you not improve your dancing skills and stay the same?

-Why... why has he improved...?

-Did he secretly practice? Why is he better now?

-He dances like my dad in the 'See That?' challenge... (No offense)

-Has he been taking dance lessons...? Why is he so much better?

-He’s improved from doing all those challengesㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-To be honest, this one’s pretty good.

-He dances better than me at this point.

-I’m starting to feel a little disappointedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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