Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A singer whose proportions make it hard to guess her actual height

Singer Ben

You might think it's because of her shoes, but even so, I think her proportions are pretty good.

Her actual height is 147.5 cm.

I knew Ben was known for being a tiny fairy, but from photos, she looks like she’s in the 160 cm range.

I was surprised to learn she’s even smaller than I thought.

Her small frame becomes more noticeable only when she's with others. 

-She looks small to me, though.

-I thought she was 153–155 cm, but she’s actually 147 cm? That's unbelievable.

-She looks about 153 cm tall.

-She has always looked small to me, so I thought, 'What?' and scrolled down... And yeah, figuresㅋㅋ

-She looks about 150 cm tall. She seems small.

-She has such a petite build that she seems tiny.

-Most people think she’s in the 150 cm range because adult women in the 140 cm range are so rare, so they just don’t expect her to be in the 140 cm rangeㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅜ

-She looks like she’s in the 150 cm range.

-She looks a bit taller than her actual height, but definitely not in the 160 range. She looks about 152 cm tall.

-Honestly, I clicked this post thinking it was about Oh My Girl’s Yooa...

-She looks small, but she does not look like she’s 147 cm tall.

-She’s never looked tall to me.

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