
Saturday, June 15, 2024

TripleS' fans boycott members who don't live in the dorm


Stupid assㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Look at what he did despite his age. Please get a grip....  What can you even do about it anyway?

TripleS' members usually live in a dorm, but during non-active periods, those who want to live in dorm can stay and those who want to go home can go. However, some fans hate that some members are leaving the dorm. So, they're boycotting the members who leave the dorm... 🤮🤮

-Is it S-Plex?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So pathetic
ㄴ(OP): It's East Seoul.
ㄴOh, East Seoul. Still pathetic. 

-Don't talk to them, don't look at them, and when you sit in front of them, turn your back on them.
ㄴI need to ask my friend who's going to the event tomorrow if there are people like this
ㄴ(OP): How about turning your body so you face your second favorite member nearby her?
ㄴThat works too. Anyway, just make sure the 'runaway' members know that you won't even look at them. Also make sure that the other members notice what you're doing.
ㄴ(OP): Ok

ㄴI'm the person who spoke up before, go ahead and spit it out refreshingly.
ㄴ(OP): Saying something like 'Does it feel good to ditch the members and run home?'?

(This is proof that the person was chosen to attend the fan signing event)

I should make it obvious by saying, 'Manager-nim, when can I go to the next member? When will my time with this one end?'

-This person is immediately and permanently banned from the fan club.

-Why are they acting like this...? What's wrong with not staying in the dorm...?

-He's immediately on the blacklist

-What's the problem with living outside the dorm?

-This obsession with the dorm still existsㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why do idols have to live in a dorm, anyway?

-I don’t get why some fans are so obsessed with dorm life and attacking the member who left. Good thing he’s on the blacklist.

-This is so cringe...

-Why is living at home considered abandoning the members? I don’t get the mindset of these lunatics...

-I liked the members because they were pretty, but this is unfortunate. What’s the idol's fault... Are they trying to force them back into the dorm by doing this?

-I’ve become a fan of TripleS with this comeback and have seen this trend among some male fans... It’s okay to be disappointed about not living in the dorm, but treating it like a crime and attacking the members is too much; these fans also tend to have obsessive relationships with idols.

-Being an idol is a tough job... Why act like this at that age?

-Fans who are obsessed with dorm life are usually social outcasts... They lack intelligence and social skills. Is it normal to criticize and reject a member for not living in the dorm?

-Loser vibe.

-What a waste of money.
