Sunday, April 21, 2024


What Would You Do if You Were Hong Haein from 'Queen of Tears'? (Contains Spoiler)

 Hong Haein, a character in the drama, was diagnosed with a virtual disease called "Cloud Cytoma," leaving only three months to live.

In an attempt to find a way to survive, which was not easy, three months passed without finding a solution. Eventually, in a situation where death seemed inevitable at any moment, the only way to cure the disease was discovered.

However, undergoing this surgery would mean surviving at the cost of losing all the memories they held.

If you were Hong Haein, upon hearing this story, what are your initial thoughts would be?

1. Even if I lose my memories, surviving is what matters most.

2. Am I really myself if I lose all the memories I've lived with?


-I was so sure I'd think something like #1, but to imagine surviving without any memories... It's scary. I don't know. 

-Gotta survive first. 

-If I were a conglomerate like Hong Haein, I'd choose to survive. But in reality, I'd choose #2.

-I'd choose to survive over anything. But it would be really sad to lose all of my memories. Damn. 

-It won't be an easy decision. If I lost all my memories, I'd probably feel like I'm alone in this world. 

-I'm scared of death, so I'd choose to survive. 

-I don't know why this even becomes a concern. I'd choose to survive. There's a small possibility that I'm lucky enough not to lose my memories. Anyway, I gotta live first. 

-I'd choose to survive, definitely. I mean, I have family and a husband anyway. Plus, it's not guaranteed that I'll lose 100% of my memories, although the probability is high. 

-I'd choose to just die. My memories made me who I am. If I lose all of my memories, I don't think I'd be me anymore. 

-Gotta live first. What's the use of it all if I'm dead?

-I'd choose #1. Even if I were reborn as a new person, I'd still fall for Baek Hyunwoo.

-Honestly, I'd hesitate. Living is nice, but without memories... Will I still be the same person?ㅠ

-#1. I got a new life anywayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-If one of my family members suffer this disease, I'd definitely tell them to get the surgery and survive. But if it were me, I'd hesitate. Losing my memories mean losing my own self, no...?

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