Friday, March 15, 2024

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'Transit Love 3' If You Want to Make Up, Just Make Up. Why Did You Participate in This Show?


Sangjeong: I've endured everything just hoping to make up with you. But hearing you say that, I don't see any reasons to continue this anymore. 

Minhyung: But seriously, Sangjeong-ah, what I'm curious about is, if you want to make up, just make up. Why did you participate in this show?

Sangjeong: Exactly, it's all my fault.

Minhyung: Stop crying now

Their relationship lasted for 2 and a half months before they broke up and met again 6 weeks later in Transit Love.

Minhyung X Sangjeong

-Yeah, you're the problem. I'm too embarrassed to even finish watching the video. 

-I'm curious too, why...? It would've been easier to make up without participating in this show. Does it make her easier to make up with him while seeing him live under the same roof and going on dates with other women? If I were her, I could never do that. My blood pressure would rise just by seeing my ex chats with another girl.

-I saw a behind-the-scene picture from this show and there seemed to be a lot of cameras and staff around...

-They dated for only two months and participated in this show shortly after breaking up. It makes me wonder why? They said they dated with marriage in mind. Maybe they've been together for longer, but only made it official in the last two months?

-That dude should run away...

-After dating only for 82 days, they broke up and participated in this show?ㅋㅋㅋ Even younger kids would date for at least 100 days nowadays... 

-Embarrassing... This is so embarrassing...

-She probably participated in this show because she wanted to be famous...

-The whole show itself is worth questioningㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-So?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's not like participating in this show is the only way for them to make up. So why?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Is this comedy??

-They might've dated for shorter time. I heard some couples purposely pretended they dated for longer period of time only because it's a TV show. 

-This couple is the least relatable... I'm rooting for Sangjeong because she's lovely, but every time she cries and fights with Minhyung, I'm questioning... 'Why is she like that?'ㅠㅠㅠ They both need to leave the show and make up for real.

-They're all participating in this show to start their career as influencers or TV personalities afterallㅋㅋㅋ Realistically, no one would participate in this show no matter how much money they're offered.

-If she participated in this show to become an influencer, it seems like she didn't plan her strategy wellㅠㅠ

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