Wednesday, March 27, 2024

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The Male Idol Who Bothered BTS Instead of EXO in 2014 Because He Thought He'd Die if He Bothered EXO


I ended up dissing RM

In 2014, iKON's Bobby appeared on Show Me the Money 3 and dissed BTS' RM and VIXX

(I was asked,) "Why didn't you diss EXO instead?"

It's because I thought I'd die if I dissed EXO insteadㅎ

Recently, he appeared in a show in Youtube and explained the reason why he didn't diss EXO at the time was because he thought he'd die if he dissed EXO

-It was really funny how he didn't dare to diss EXO when they had plenty of rappers in the groupㅠㅋㅋㅋ

-Oh... So Hip Hop only targets easy prey?

-I feel sorry for Bobby. He had to mention BTS in order to get noticed. 

-I bet BTS doesn't care at all now... They're probably sleeping, waiting for breakfast tomorrow.

-That's very pathetic of him... Only picking on small idols.

-That's not cool at all.

-Even as a fan of iKON back then, it looked really pathetic.

-He always brings this up again everytime I almost forget about it. It's not like that was a good thing after all... Well, BTS, let's rise even higher!!

-Because of guys like him, Hip Hop looks pathetic...

-That is exactly why Hip Hop is getting criticized in South Korea

-I watched the whole video and I don't understand why people are hating on Bobby. He even agreed that what he did was pathetic.

-I love you, BTS~~ Have a good night!

-Haha... That's what made us motivated and become where we're currently at right now...

-That's indeed very pathetic, but it's a relief that now he acknowledges what he did was very embarrassing...

-Didn't he also diss Boyfriend and VIXX back then?

-That's very low of him...

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