Friday, March 8, 2024

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Comments on the article about Karina's apology letter.

Karina Posts an Apology Letter for Her Dating News ... Foreigners Made Remarks About "Korean Fans Having a Mental Illness"

-Yeah, they are indeed messed up. The fandom's gone way overboard in a weird way.

-I'm not particularly sympathetic. She works a job that earns lot of money from those crazy fans. If those people were sane, the entertainment industry would be doomed. 

Fanatic fandom
and the entertainment industry exploiting those fanatic fans.

-F*cking facts. That's exactly why idols apologizeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I mean... The fact they buy dozens, even hundreds, of the same album just to go to a fansign already explains it allㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-That's true. The fan culture is already weird enough. And these idols make a ton of money off of those crazy fans. 

-She apologized because she still needs her fans, right? If she didn't care about then, there would've been no need for her to apologize, right? It's not the first time idols have apologized for being in a relationship.

-What those comments said are indeed true. But does that mean you can do as you please to idols...? No, you shouldn't treat them that way, they're human too. 

-Both Karina's apology and the company's confirmation are just to maintain the whole messed up system, essentially. They're not always victims as fans portray them to be.

-I hope K-pop fans wouldn't be too obsessed with celebrities. All they're after is money, after all. Fans' excessive obsession will only lead them to being ridiculed and having no money. 

-True. The apology letter isn't written for the public, it's meant to appease the fans. 

-That's right. If they were in their right minds, why would they spend millions, or even tens of millions, on idols? Let's be real, the apology isn't actually a sincere apology. It's just a way to calm down the fans to prevent them from leaving the fandom.

-That's true. It's a bit contradictory to make money off those people and then say "Leave me alone!" at times like this.

-Someone said the relationship between idols and fans is mutual exploitation. They're not wrong. 

-It would be really good if everyone respected each other's boundaries. 

-Honestly, even as a Korean, I feel like her apologizing to fans for being in a relationship is really strange and bizzare. It reminds me of that Japanese idol who shaved her head after a dating scandal.

-Wow, I almost felt like leaving the fangirl life and becoming a monk after reading the second comment.

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