Tuesday, May 16, 2023

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An idol who is being attacked on Twitter for his looks


#Yoonsang What is my charm point?

The tweet has gained over 8 M views and 10K RT quotes
If you check the RT quotes, most of them are hate commentsㅋㅋㅋ

I know he's a hard-working guy. It's sad to see him getting cyber-bullied like thisㅠ
I'm sure he checks the comments he receives on Twitter, though... It upsets me to see him getting a lot of hate, that's why I'm writing this post

He debuted as the youngest member of a group called AWEEK a few years ago, however, the group disbanded. He didn't give up on his dream to become an idol and debuted as the leader of this new group. He is working really hard. They haven't even officially debuted yet. They're currently only active in Japan as their pre-debut...? promotionsㅠ

In his previous group, he was rumored to bully a member to the point that member had to leave the group. Someone claimed to be his friend and started the rumor. However, that person immediately deactivated their account after his company threatened to take legal actionsㅋㅋㅋ But people are still spreading that rumor without even bothering to read the clarification.

+) If you ever see someone spread that rumor on Twitter, please tell them that it's false rumor!!ㅠ

Despite the company releasing an official statement about the rumor, nobody seems to care and they continued to bully him, calling he's ugly, saying he deserves all the hate, etc. I'm writing this post with hope that at least people in this online community knows that's just a false rumor. 

-Whoa... People are really cruel. I hope he wouldn't get hurt by those commentsㅠㅠ

-What? He's not ugly at all, though...??

-What do you mean... He looks really adorable...

-What... A lot of people still talk about the bullying rumor in the RT Quotes. Not to mention those tweets get a lot of RTs. I think he really should take a legal action this time...

-He looks handsome, though... Why are there a lot of mean people in this world?ㅜㅜ Fighting!! I hope he will take a legal action against those people...

-Even if he's ugly, why would you hate him just because you think he's ugly? That's really awful.

-I checked the RT Quotes and noticed that people are crossing the lines... Why are they so mean?

-They're leaving hate comments on the group's official account...? Do they think he can't see their tweets? They're really mean. There is an actual person behind that accountㅠㅠ

-There are a lot of weird people on Twitter...ㅠ

-I hope those people would receive the same mean comments when they post pictures of their faces on the Internet...

-Why is he being targeted?

-Why are there a lot of mean people on Twitter? Is it because they're anonymous?

-Those people must be really crazyㅠㅠ Why are they acting like that?

-I really hope that idol doesn't check the comments on Twitter...

-These days, judging celebrities' looks seem to be normalized. I really don't understand that. 

-This is exactly why I hate Twitter

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