Saturday, September 17, 2022


Divided answers about Day6's representative song

1. You Were Beautiful

 2. Time of Our Life

In this poll, Time of Our Life beat You Were Beautiful

'Day6's legendary song (Honestly, all of their songs are legendary...)'
1. You Were Beautiful (36.2%)
2. Time of Our Life (37.5%)
3. Zombie (6%)
4. Love Me or Leave Me (20.2%)

Which song do you prefer more?

-I love Time of Our Life, but my personal favorite is Sweet Chaos...

-Out of these options, I'd choose Time of Our Life. But my all-time favorite is Days Gone By.

-Why are you... leaving out I'm Serious...?

-You Were Beautiful. I mean, Time of Our Life... Uh, I think it's You Were Beautiful. Scratch that, it's Time of Our Life. I mean...

-I love both songs, but I think it's You Were Beautiful

-You Were Beautifulㅠㅠ I still remember the first time I heard this song. I was in my friend's car and she played this song and I was so shocked because of how good it isㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-You Were Beautiful, but my actual favorite is Shoot Me...

-How am I supposed to choose oneㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ I personally like Days Gone By...

-Love Me or Leave Me

-If I really had to choose between those two, I think I'd go with Time of Our Life...

-Where's Congratulations...

-Congratulations and Love Me or Leave Me!!!

-It's my first time hearing both songs, I personally think the 2nd one is better...

-Time of Our Life. But my favorite song of Day6 is Let Go...

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