Monday, September 19, 2022


The 2nd daughter in Little Women that gets a lot of hate

'I think this character is so f*cking selfish. She makes easy money from stocks and relies on her great aunt's money. She's the typical hypocrite who looks down on other people's suffering. She acts like she's professional, when in fact, she's the one who can't control her emotions and cries at workㅋㅋㅋ Her younger sister is terminally ill and she's relying on her great aunt's moneyㅋㅋㅋ How can she talk like that? I think she's very contradictive. Not to mention that she's an alcohol addict to begin with.' 

'The 2nd daughter is the most frustrating one for me. She doesn't care about her family's financial situation because she knows she can get money from somewhere else. That's also why she has a lot of tequila. She's very narcisisticㅋㅋㅋ If she's really worried about her younger sister, she wouldn't cause an act at her sister's friend's house.' 

                                        I didn't know Oh Inkyung's character gets this much hate

However, some people can understand why Oh Inkyung gets a lot of hate 


-The youngest daughter is my least favorite...

-I personally think the 2nd daughter is the best character out of those 3 siblings, though?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Even though I don't really like the 1st and 2nd daughters, I can understand why they act like that. But not with the youngest daughter, she's just the typical childish high school student. I don't like her, I have a feeling she's gonna stab her sisters in their backs. Please, come back to your right mind, Inhye-yaㅠㅠ

-I can relate to the 1st and youngest daughters at some point, but not with the 2nd daughter... 

-I don't like the 2nd and youngest daughters. I feel really bad for the 1st daughter, she's trying her best to take care of her sisters. I don't like the 2nd daughter because she's too focused on her career and the youngest daughter is just thoughtless, she doesn't seem to understand how much her sisters have sacrificed for her.

-I think those people who hate Inkyung are not watching the drama properly. How could they hate on her when she's the most justifying and distinctive character in the drama?ㅋㅋㅋ

-Yeah, I don't understand her eitherㅋㅋㅋ She relies a lot on her great aunt and yet she acts like she doesn't.

-The youngest daughter is selfish, probably because she's still young. I feel bad for Injooㅠㅠㅠ I think Inkyung is a hypocrite.

-I hate the youngest daughter even more...

-The youngest daughter is the worst one for me. Inhye-ya, listen to your sisters...

-Inkyung is my favorite character from this drama...

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