Wednesday, August 24, 2022


LOONA's members are injured and unable to participate in tours due to packed schedule


This is their tour schedule

The schedule is really packed that the members are often unable to participate because they're sick
One of the members, Haseul, was injured badly that she had to wear an arm support brace. She is planned to get treatment in South Korea.
They had their day off yesterday, but they went to KCon. Only 10 of them participated there. 

Once they end their tour in September, they don't even have the time to rest and go to Japan for a concert on October 1st. Right after that, they planned a concert in Manila at the end of the month. In the middle of that, they are also working on their Japanese album. It is said that they did a photo shoot for the jacket picture 3 days before they left. 

Chu is unable to participate in all these overseas schedules due to her personal schedules (Even in the Japanese album). We do not know what schedule she has, it is very frustrating. The press is really quiet about this, making it even more frustrating. 

-Look at the dates, it's really packed. They almost have no time to rest. 

-It seems like their company is using this tour to make them pay all the money used during their training period...

-It's really upsetting whenever the members apologize because they're unable to attend because they're sick...

-Their company is seriously legendaryㅋㅋㅋ

-How long do they have until their contracts end?? Are they overworking the girls while they can because they're worried the girls may leave the company soon...? There's something off about this company...
  ㄴThey debuted in 2018, which means they have... 3 years left

-Do the girls even have any time to rest?

-The company is not giving the girls the money they deserve...

-This company is not even good at doing its job. They're crazy about money.

-I hope this company wouldn't launch groups anymore... Just release all the trainees they have.

-I have a friend who's a fan of LOONA and I heard that the girls are not even using plane, but cars, for their transportation...

-Whoa... Look at how packed the schedule is. The girls must be really tired. 

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