Wednesday, August 24, 2022

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Ahn Yujin bends down so much to match Gaeul's height

She has an amazing core

-I think Ahn Yujin is an amazing dancer. Not only that, but she's also a great singer. She was born to be an idol.

-Look at how her legs are bent... Her core must be really amazing...

-If I were her, I'd probably lose balance and fallㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I really love idols who match themselves so that the formation of the group looks perfect...

-Wonyoung seems to bend down a lot, tooㅋㅋㅋ That's really amazing...

-Whoa, there's a downside of being tall... That must be hard...

-I know right? I was so surprised to see how much she bends her legs in this partㅋㅋㅋ

-Whoa... That must be really difficult...

-Hul... I was wondering why her movements look different from the rest...

-How is that even possible? How strong her core is? I'm really jealous of her...

-It must be really hard for them to have short members in their group...

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