
Saturday, August 13, 2022

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LOONA's Kim Lip left the stage in the middle of a show


'I did some research. Each member was introducing themselves and Kim Jung-eun's turn was right after Vivi Noona's. She was about to introduce herself but the audience kept shouting 'Vivi!! Vivi!!'. It seemed like it made her upset. She cried and left the stage. She didn't come back to the stage after LOONA performed 3 songs'

The company claimed that she left the stage due to health reasons, but because of the timing, that reason seemed off. People are assuming she left the stage because she was upset that the audience chanted another member's name when it was her turn to talk. It's totally understandable, I think Vivi must've felt embarrassed tooㅠㅠ She even stepped up and told the audience that it was Kim Lip's turn to talk. What's wrong with her fansㅠㅠ


Kim Jung-eun = Kim Lip
Vivi is not the same person as solo singer or Girls' High School Mystery Class cast Bibi.
Vivi is another member of LOONA, picture can be seen above.


1. [+265][-9] She was already sick, but she held it in. Then it happened and she couldn't hold it in any longer, isn't that why she left the stage?

2. [+192][-6] What kind of manner is that?

3. [+130][-11] The fans are problematic, but her reaction towards the whole situation is not exactly right either

4. [+97][-4] I've watched the clip. Kim Lip had just finished saying one to two sentences when the audience chanted Vivi's name. And it was not just one or two people, but a lot. 

5. [+93][-7] If the caption in the picture was true, aren't the fans really rude for doing that? No matter how much they like Vivi, they shouldn't have done that. If I were there, had to introduce myself, but the audience kept chanting other member's name, I'd leave the stage right away as well.
