
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Do you think cheating is genetic?

Do you think cheating is genetic?


1. [+105][-1] I don't think cheating is genetic. However, the inability to control impulses and poor moral values are genetic. Short-temper is also genetic. 

2. [+62][-1] I've heard from a TV show that cheating is not genetic, but the inability to control your impulse could be genetic. It could be influenced by your environment or education. It's different for every person. 

3. [+44][-4] Yeah, because that's all they learn as they grow up

4. [+11][-0] Well, there is a proverb that says the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

5. [+][-] I think temper is genetic. However, it's different for every person, depending on how they control their temper. My biological grandfather loved gambling, but my father never goes anywhere near gambling. Not too long ago, we played poker just for fun and it seemed like he was really good at it, it even made me thought that it must've been hard for him to hold the urge to not do it his entire life. Don't you think the same goes to cheating?
