
Saturday, June 18, 2022

My boyfriend killed himself

 I really miss him. He was the brightest and most cheerful person I have ever known. I never expected him to go like this. He was good-looking, popular, and smart that my friends have always envied me. I found out that his parents had been giving him a lot of pressure. When I visited his house, they all looked very friendly, but I was wrong. As a girlfriend, I had no idea that he was having a hard time. He apologized to me in his suicide letter, he said that he would treat me even better in his next life and told me to not kill myself. I cried my heart out as soon as I finished reading that letter. I miss him when the night comes, it's driving me crazy. We've been dating for 5 years, since 1st year of junior high. But why did I not know that he was hurting? At first, I thought of killing myself, too, but he said not to. I've been going to therapy and trying to live my life even better. I'm also studying even harder. But I miss him so much. It's so hard for me that I moved and transferred schools. My new friends do not know about this and honestly, I have no one to talk to about this so I just posted this as an anonymous. Thank you for reading this post. 



1. [+80][-8] I'm sure he's looking at you from the sky and hope you are happy, sincerely. 

2. [+77][-378] So what? Write this in your diary

3. [+73][-6] I've been there before. He was a warm-hearted person who used to comfort me before I even realize that I was having a hard time myself. He was older than me. I continued to live thinking that I should be someone like him, someone who gives strength to other people just by existing. I even wrote in my college entrance essay that he was the person I want to resemble the most. It was hard for me to accept the fact that he took his own life. A few years have passed since then, but I still tear up at the thoughts of him. When I cry, I just let it out and let myself feel my emotions. And then, I continue to live my life to the fullest. I still have no idea what I'm feeling, is it guilt? Resentment? Or yearning? One thing I'm sure that it's hard for me and I could not let anybody around me feel the same way that I do. That is why I take my meds every day and fight the urge I feel to harm myself. I don't think I can overcome this sadness? Guilt? That person has already gone. Sometimes my feelings get overwhelming and I break down, I would cry my heart out and let myself feel sad. And then I live my life again. I think that's the best way to live with this. Keep living, even if it's for people who love you. And I'm sure your boyfriend would want you to be happy too. So, be happy and continue to live your life to the fullest. 

4. [+43][-5] If it was so hard for him that he took his own life, especially since you've been dating for 5 years since your school days, there's no way that you would not notice thisㅋㅋㅋ You guys were dating, not in some flings. He even mentioned you in his suicide letter. How could he did not show any signs?ㅋㅋㅋ Make up something more realistic next time...

5. [+39][-2] Isn't this the storyline of Seasons of Blossom?
