Friday, January 7, 2022


Pictures of 22 NCT members' graduation.jpg

 This is a compilation post of NCT members' kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, senior high, and university graduation pictures. 

1. Taeil

2. Johnny (+Party pictures)

3. Taeyong

4. Yuta's graduation ceremony (+school days)

5. Kun's graduation ceremony (+school days)

6. Ten (+School days)

7. Doyoung

8. Jaehyun

9. Winwin (+School days)

10. Jungwoo

11. Mark (+graduation ceremony pictures)

There are too many of them, I'll post the rest next time. They already look handsome since they were really young. No wonder why SM hired them. 
(I personally think Winwin and Jaehyun's visuals are... the best. Thumbs up)


1. [+220][-5] Winwin looks like he's the main character in a Chinese drama

2. [+144][-8] Mark is so f*cking cute. His eyes have always been that round ever since he was littleㅜㅜ

3. [+113][-5] Whoa... Winwin really hasn't changed at all.

4. [+95][-2] + Lee Donghyuck from Hanla Elementary Schoolㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What a cutie..

5. [+64][-0] This is cheating in every possible way, like for real...

6. [+54][-0] Elementary-school Jungwoo's facial features are very even and harmonious

7. [+52][-0] Whoa, they must've worked so hard to lose all those weight. I thought they were always thin ever since they were young. 

8. [+50][-1] I personally think this picture of Winwin is legendary. Look at those shiny eyes.

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