Friday, January 7, 2022

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Yeri posted a picture of the Rookies girls on her Instagram

'Girls, I love you~ Let's live a shining life~ I will always be on your side~'

Why is it so f*cking sad... Look at the sentence Yeri wrote on the picture. Goeun, Herinㅜㅜ Lee Sooman is so freaking annoying.


1. [+313][-18] Why are you guys always trying to make them look pitied? I think at this point it's a mental illness. Why are you doing this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm one of those fans who have been watching them since Mickey Mouse Club and waited for their debut. It's indeed a shame that they didn't get to debut, but I think it's very f*cking rude to keep talking about it, feeling sorry, and pitying them on online communities even after years have passed. Just say that you're sorry they didn't get to debut. Stop pitying them whatsoever. I don't think they even live the life that you should be pitied for. I don't understand why you guys keep pitying themㅋㅋ

2. [+247][-13] I mean, they're currently living so much better life than you do, and yet you guys are still pitying them. It's been years. Stop this bullshit. At this point, I'm sure they feel offended to see such commentsㅋㅋㅋㅋ Like, imagine living just fine and have random strangers telling how sorry they feel for you. It must be ridiculous, right?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+129][-32] That damned charity work. F*ck you all for saying bullshit like 'SM did charity work for them' everytime there's a post about the Rookies girlsㅋㅋㅋㅋ Goeun and Hina were 13, Herin and Sungkyung were 11 when they first came to the company. They treated them as if they were going to debut them right away. They revealed these girls and sent them to Mickey Mouse Club. They even sent them to guest on SM's variety show in 2016ㅋㅋㅋ Not only that, they also appeared on their seniors' music videos. SM also posted their videos and stuffs. SM made them raise their hope and let them down just like that, wouldn't you be upset too?? Stop saying that SM did charity work;; SM is wrong for making them raising their expectation to debut in the first place;; If they didn't have any thoughts to debut them, they shouldn't have exposed them at all. 

4. [+45][-6] There are some people who hate on Herin's visual hereㅋㅋㅋ She's a great singer and she looks this good even without any professional, entertainment-wise, care. If she was still under SM and getting those care, she would be prettier than anyone else you could nameㅋㅋㅋ She just changed her style because she's been living overseas.

5. [+45][-1] The three of them are all beautifulㅠㅠ If they debuted together, we probably would get to see them performing on year-end ceremonies. What a shame. 

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