Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Yeri looking like a fitness model

피트니스 모델급인 예리 | 인스티즈

-I just had an Udon earlier today...
 ㄴI'm currently eating Ddeokbokki as I scroll down this post...

-What's up with the dress, though...

-It must be really nice to have a toned body like that... As someone with a squishy body, I am very jealous...

-She looks very healthy and toned in the last picture... Female idol doesn't have to have super skinny body, they still can look gorgeous even with toned body!!

-Her body is literally a goalㅠㅠ

-I need to have some words with Red Velvet's stylists...

-I'm so jealous of Yeri's body, it looks very toned and healthyㅠㅠ Body goals...ㅠㅠ

-Her smile is so gorgeous...

-Didn't she say she swims...? She looks even prettier because she's healthy...

-So you're telling me that RV's stylists actually get paid to dress the girls like that??

-She looks very healthy and beautiful!

-When is Red Velvet having their comeback?? It's already summer...

-She looks so adorable...

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