Wednesday, June 12, 2019

B.I's recent Instagram update

(NB: Some of you may not know this but Instiz is originally one of the most positive online communities to ever exist. It is not as toxic as Pann or Theqoo, there are barely any negative comments on it.)

-He should've gotten himself tested for drugs, admitting it, then withdraw from the group. You think it's over just because you escape by leaving the group? What a great mindset...

-Hul... Has withdrawing from idol groups became the trend lately?

-Seems like he was already frightened since the moment his name made it to the most searched keyword on searching engines...

-Seems like being an idol was just a hobby to him, judging by how he solves his problem by leaving the group...ㅋㅋㅋ

-Okay, see you then...

-This is the boy who once was so desperate to debut... I don't know what else to say...

-Is he really the boy that I used to like? The boy who once was really desperate to debut, the boy who put his everything for his team... I am very disappointed...

-I hope his fans are okay...

-I've been rooting for you all this time... What is going on, Hanbin-ah?

-As a fan who has been watching him since Win and Mix and Match, I am very disappointed... Why did you do that, Hanbin-ah?

-Isn't he the leader in iKON? From what I know, he also produces most of the songs...

-So he's saying that he's withdrawing from the group because of the controversy, not because he did drugs?

-This is too much for me to handle...

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