-Whoa.. The company didn't let them to eat rice for a whole year..?
-That's right..ㅠㅠ The girls, beside Yuju and Sowon, could only eat salad..ㅠㅠㅠ But they can eat anything they want now!!
-Hul.. I can't imagine not eating rice for a year..
-They're allowed to eat anything they want right now, right??
-The girls, beside Yuju and Sowon, worked so hard on their diets..ㅠㅠ
-Why didn't Yuju go on a diet..? Because she doesn't easily gain weight like Sowon..?
-Hul.. T.. They prohibited the girls from eating rice..
-??? What about their health?
-Poor these girls..
-What in the world.. I wouldn't be able to do that if they told me to..
-Hul.. Are they fine, though? I mean, they couldn't eat rice for a year..
-Hul.. That has crossed the lines..
-What if they suddenly collapsed during a performance..
(Umji said they were prohibited from eating 'bab'. Bab could mean rice (but it's actually 쌀밥, not just 밥) and meal)