Tuesday, December 13, 2016


The guy I like moved into the house next door..

He moved in yesterday.

I was going to go to the mart with my bangs tied up and I was also wearing my glasses, I opened the door and I suddenly saw him in front of my house. I went like this:
?????????? *rubs my eyes*

I thought to myself "Why would he be here at this time? What on earth is happening????"

And it was really noisy in the front of apartment, I saw some people were moving the furnitures into the house next door. 

And he, while smiling brightly, greeted me:

"Oh? Do you live here?? I just moved in!"

And he was so cute, I wanted to kidnap him.

So I explained him everything about the apartment we're living in, althought there's not much to know. I told him where the security office is, and I told him about the neighbors, etc and he replied: "Ok." "I see" "Really?" "I got it" "Ok" 

Ah;;;; He's so cute;;; 

I'm basically fangirling over my crush..

Now that my crush lives next door, I want to go to school with him..
Please give me any advices..
We both are quite close with each other,
and I want to go to school with him.


1. [+76][-0] Wait until you hear him open the door and just naturally go out from your house and ride the elevator together and there you go, just walk with him until you both arrive at schoolㅋㅋㅋ Ah, I'm jealous of you..

2. [+58][-0] Don't ever try to sing or do anything weird in your house from now on, he may hear you.. No one knowsㅋㅋㅋ I'm jealous of youㅠㅠ

3. [+52][-0] "Hey, let's go home together!" "You're going home now?" "Yes, let's go together!" Now this converstation can happen between both of you!!!!!<3<3<3 I'm jealous of you..

4. [+22][-0] Whoa.. This is unbelievable.. I often imagine my crush moving into the house next door, I thought this was something that's impossible to happen..

5. [+14][-1] Just try to make everything looks as if it's 'coincidence'ㅋㅋ And then say something like "Wow, we have a lot in common.. Do you want to go to school together?"ㅋㅋ And try to develop something from that..

6. [+13][-0] This reminds me of myself.. My crush moved into the house next door on May and last July I moved out from that house.. I was all happy about that and now I'm left with the sadness..

7. [+10][-0] The top 3 comments are all ended by 'I'm so jealous of you'ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+10][-0] Please tell us what happens after thatㅜㅜㅜ

9. [+8][-0] Don't do weird things in your house.. One day, I was playing flute inside my house and the guy who lives next door texted me to be quiet and that his ears are going to rot because of me..

10. [+7][-0] F*ck.. I'm so f*cking jealous of you.. Be happy.. I'm just going to be one of the stars in the sky..

yay the return of cute stories *heart eyes*

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