Tuesday, December 27, 2016

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Bangtan's Jimin and SHINee's Taemin to collaborate for KBS Song Festival

1. [+586][-19] Hul, this is really great.. I've always wanted to this combinationㅠㅠ Whoa.. I have to watch their stageㅠㅠ

2. [+456][-13] Hul..ㅠㅠ I'm really looking forward to this stageㅠㅠㅠㅠ This is crazy..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ This is really crazyㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+419][-15] Whoa.. Amazing.. I'm really lookin forward to itㅜㅜㅜ I heard they're actually close with each other in real life!

4. [+385][-13] I'm sure the stage would be really cool.. I'm looking forward to it.

5. [+342][-28] Lee Taemin<3<3<3

6. [+144][-2] They really want to give the best stage ever.. Their passion for this stage can be seen by how they even select the songs, direct the stage, and make the choreography by their ownselves.. Whoa.. I'm so excited..

7. [+141][-2] Whoa.. This is amazing.. Jimin and Taemin..

8. [+138][-2] Taemin really adores Jimin a lot and I'm happy for him now that he gets a chance to collaborate with Jimin..

9. [+149][-7] Jimin got a chance to collaborate with his close friendㅠㅠ I'm really excited for this.. They both are known for being the best dancers in their group, I can't even imagine how dope their dance collaboration will be..

10. [+129][-5] I'm really looking forward to Jimin x Taemin's fantasy-like-collaboration stage..

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