Sunday, November 6, 2016

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These posts will proof you that Wendy is a very kind person

151008 jbrogym: #RedVelvet #Wendy made these cookies because #Junghoon once said that he likes Almond Cookies~~ I'll eat it well^^

151225 ddora_w: I'm so grateful towards kind #Wendy who never forgets to bring the staffs cookies or breadsㅠㅠ #Seungwanie ~~ㅎㅎ

150710 seojuhyun_s: The cookie that #Wendy made by herself~ It's so delicious!!:D Thank you~~<3

150214 taeyeon_ss: This is the chocolate that Red Velvet babies made~ These girls are really nice!! Thanks, girls. I'll eat it well! #RedVelvet #Chocolate

150214 redgod26: #ValentineDay #Chocolate #HandmadeChocolate Wendi-ya, thank youㅋㅋㅋ

150717 jbrogym: #RedVelvet #Wendy #Gift #HoneyChocoAlmond #HoneySugarAlmond #WendyBaking #JBroJunghoonHyung #Jbrogym #Jbro #Almond

150815 kminjin_: You all must have done this together earlier in the morning right? Thank you~~~<3 #Birthdaymeals #It'sreallydelicious #RedVelvet #SeaweedSoup #SteamedBeefRib

150822 jbrogym: #RedVelvet #Wendy #Baking #ThankYou #Jbrogym #JbroJunghoonHyung #Irene #Joy #Seulgi #Yeri

150913: she handed out 50 cookies at a fansign.

150914 jbrogym: #RedVelvet #DumbDumbDumbDumbDumbDumb #Agift #fromWendy #JbroJunghoon I will eat it well #Wendi-ya~~~ I'm always grateful towards you. #PoundCake with almond in it #TheLoversofBaking! #SmTown

150925: She handed out 100 mini muffins on a fansign.
The note: "You will keep on loving Red Velvet for a long time, right?<3"

150927 taeyeon_ss: Tell everyone that Wendy made this so I can survive #NiceWoman #Wendy #AWomanWhoKnowsHowToCook #WendiDidItAgain Thank you and I love you, Seungwan-ah.

hermosavidaluna: My love, Wendy.

hermosavidaluna: The tiramisu that our Wendy, who is very mother-like, made. The shape changed because it melted, but it still tastes delicious!! Thank you for supporting me and taking care of me more than everyone ever did!

Note: To our Ddoyoungie! Don't be sick!ㅠㅠ eat this and get well soon<3 From: Wendy unnie<3
Redvelvet.smtown: A gift from Wendy!!!! I can feel your sincerityㅠㅠㅠ #Joy #Wendy #ACloseUpShotofGift #Sincerity 

The desert that Wendy made for us.
This Unnie just got a meal for free..
How could you be so flawless..
This is the lunch box that our Wendy made for Joy who's been working hard!!
 I'm so touched..ㅠㅠ

kyungjae_won: As expected from Wendy. She made this late at night and shared it to her managers<3
#RedVelvet #LetsHitBig #Wendy #issonice #Midnight #Snack #Foodstagram #Irene #Seulgi #Joy #Yeri

 weird_hpd: #RedVelvet #Wendy #AFriendWhosNotOnlyPrettyButAlsoKind
After the shooting ended, everyone was busy greeting each other, saying that they've done a great job. That's when Wendy suddenly hurried came to me and carefully whispered "I'm so sorry.. I think I didn't do a great job during the VCR Shooting earlier!"  And I denied it, saying that she did a great job and that I didn't understand what she was talking about. And then she smiled and went away. Everyone was so pretty today and they did well.. It makes me feel graetful and sorry when they said something like that.. I should shoot and edit their videos prettily.. #WendyisAnAngel #StanningWendy #Don'tCallMePD-Nim #ButCallMeUnnie

newnewnr:I listened to Russian Roulette on my way home after work, and I suddenly want to see their faces so I turned back to the company. It has been 5 months, I think.. My girls with attractive cheeks have become skinny now..  It was really nice to meet them and we talked about a lot of things, and I didn't take any pictures so I uploaded this one. My pretty girl who came to the set because Joy was sick at that time #ICameToSeeWendy #AFunYear

taeyeon_ss: *sighs*.. Wendy did it again....<3
This is how she got her nickname, HaWenDdo, which means: *sighs* Wendi Did it Again.

-She's not only pretty, but she also has a very kind heartㅠㅠㅠ

-It's not easy to take care of someone on their birthdays though.. And she's really sincere when she does thatㅠㅠ She's such an amazing person!!

-She's really niceㅠㅠㅠ


-There are a lot of kind people around her.. Because Wendy herself is a kind personㅠㅠ

-My babyㅠㅠ Seems like she's an angel that God has sent to usㅠㅠ She's good at singing, pretty, and also kindㅠㅠ She's an angelㅠㅠ

-My Goddess..ㅠㅠ She's literally the best..ㅠㅠ

-My woman..ㅠㅠ

-There's no way that she's not an angel.. Son Seungwanㅠㅠ Let's get marriedㅠㅠ

-Look at her personalityㅠㅠ On top of that, she's also pretty! She's so perfect..ㅠㅠ

-I'm hungry because of this post..


-Seungwan-ahㅠㅠ I love youㅠㅠ

-She's really good at baking cakes and cookiesㅠㅠㅠ

-The only thing that she has to do now is to get married with me..

-My Seungwan is such a nice girlㅠㅠ I love youㅠㅠ

-My woman is so perfectㅠㅠ Is there anything that you can't do?ㅠㅠ

-Son Seungwan is an angelㅠㅠ

-It's really hard to find a person who's not only pretty, but also has a kind heart and personality, though.. I love you, Wendyㅠㅠ

-Whoa.. She's so cool..

-She's mine.

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