
Thursday, August 4, 2016

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Write your favorite group's greeting here (ft. Exo, BTS, Seventeen. No bitter fans allowed)

Get ready? Showtime!


1. [+363][-127] We are one
2. [+352][-124] We are one
3. [+352][-199] Two, three. Bangtan.

4. [+159][-235] I hope Exo will change their greeting.. They always say 'We are One' but there are already 3 members who left the groupㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+121][-22] We are one

6. [+119][-24] Say the name! Seventeen!
7. [+91][-13] Say the name!!

8. [+88][-10] Say the name!!
9. [+77][-11] It's not we are one, hello we are Exo but it's let's love.
10. [+74][-7] Say the name. Seventeen!
