
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

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Infinity Challenge ask fans an ambiguous question on Twitter

<To live as Yoo Jaeseok vs To live as Park Myungsoo>
What is your choice?
#InfinityChallenge #YooJaeseok #ParkMyungsoo

-I'm just going to live as me...

-I think it's going to be more comfortable to live as Park Myungsooㅋㅋ

-It's going to be hard to live as Park Myungsoo since he does a lot of programs with Yoo Jaeseok..

-At first I was like 'Of course, I'm going to live as Yoo Jaeseok!!' but now I'm currently concerning over this..

-If I really had to pick, I would absolutely pick Yoo Jaeseok! I wonder how it feels like to be loved and admired by a lot of persons..

-Park Myungsoo.. I honestly think it would be tiring to live as Yoo Jaeseok..

-Why am I concerning over thisㅋㅋ

-Park Myungsoo.. I would like to live as Yoo Jaeseok, but I think it's going to be burdensome..

-Park Myungsooㅋㅋ I should go to DJ at some clubsㅋㅋ

-I'm just going to live my life as me.. If I was Yoo Jaeseok and did something wrong on broadcasts, I would hurt a lot of viewers and fans' hearts. I also think that Yoo Jaeseok and Park Myungsoo are living the right lifes right now.. ? Why am I so serious

-Park Myungsoo.. I don't have the confidence to live as Yoo Jaeseokㅋㅋ

-I think I would get a cancer if I was Yoo Jaeseok..