Lim Siwan and Jung Haein went on a trip to Scotland.
FYI, their MBTIs are completely opposites.
Lim Siwan is an ENFJ and Jung Haein is an ISTP.
Perhaps that's why their travel styles are very different
1. Planning the trip
He loves traveling with his friends who have the J-type personality because they plan everything.
On this trip, he followed Lim Siwan throughout the whole trip, saying that he liked Lim Siwan's plans.
2. Taking photos
He pays a lot of attention to the pictures he takes.
Lim Siwan asks a nearby staff immediately.
Even on a mission where they have to find something
Jung Haein tends to quietly figure it out himself
My travel style is Jung Haein vs Lim Siwan.
-I'm like Jung Haein, but with a spoonful of Lim Siwan. I think some planning is necessaryㅋㅋ
-I don't usually plan, but I can't stand not knowing something. I like talking to locals and I ask for help from people to solve something.
-Jung Haein and I are exactly the same... Are we soulmates?
-I think I'm more like Jung Haein. There are so many variables in traveling. So I usually just make reservations in advance to match the time and then travel spontaneously accordingly.
-As an ISTP, I can totally relate. I prefer figuring things out alone instead of asking for a helpㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-I'm an ISTP, but my travel style is just. like Li Siwan's. I plan everything, I barely take any pictures, and I ask locals right away when I need to find somethingㅋㅋ
-What if I'm a mix of both?????
-I can only relate to Jung Haein when it comes to the planning part. For the rest, I think I'm more like Lim Siwan.
-I'm a combination of bothㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ When it comes to planning and figuring things out, I'm Jung Haein. When it comes to taking pictures, I'm Lim Siwan.
-Lim Siwan is exactly just like me.
-I think I'm more like Jung Haeinㅋㅋ
-Jung Haeinㅋㅋ I hate planning out things...
-I think I'm Jung Haein with about two spoonfuls of Lim Siwan.
-I'm Lim Siwan, but I take pictures a lot. I always ask locals for help.
-I'm an ISFP, but I'm definitely more like Jung Haeinㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I prefer to figure things out alone and rarely ask for help.