-The member on the far right is so pretty.
-Today's hairstyle, makeup, stage outfits + stage set are so legendary.
-The girls have improved so much already after just a few music show performances... They're so prettyㅠㅠ
-I love seeing these girls smile. All five of them are really charmingㅋㅋ Haum looks so pretty with her hair down today.
-I can't help but watch them with a proud smile. They did great today too.
-Kya's live vocal sounds really stableㅠ A 2010-liner baby...
-Jiyu's eyes are so round and adorableㅋㅋㅋ
-They're all so charming.
-I keep watching their performances. The more I watch, they better they get. I'm so proud of them.
-The girl with the headband has a really amazing voice color;
-Their performances are so fun to watch, not gonna lie. The concept, hairstyle, makeup, stage outfits, stage set, and song all blend so well.
-I really love them so much these days. I'm literally watching every single videos about them.
-I'm having so much fun watching their stages these days, I love them ㅋㅋ
-Haum is really charming.
-They look so natural and confident now. Jiyu is like a little chick, so cuteㅠㅠ