Father, this is a different mater, but do we Catholics actually say, 'In the name of the Virgin Mary?' We usually ask her to pray with us, not to worship her. In the trailer for the upcoming movie 'Dark Nuns' (Starring Song Hyekyo and Jeon Yeobeen), during the exorcism scene, they say, 'In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.' It's not even 'Our Lord Jesus Christ', but 'the Lord Jesus Christ-nim'. An the line 'In the name of the Virgin Mary' just adds the confusion... Some Protestants already criticize Catholics, saying that we 'Worship Mary.' This movie will only amplify those voices. I've seen other Catholics express their concerns in the comments. I'm asking out of curiosity...
I'm not sure if it is included in the Rite of Exorcism, but it's not used in general prayers. Actually, the authority to perform exorcisms is given to priests (There's a difference between an exorcism and Rite of Exorcism). I have no idea how it will be portrayed in the movie. Even in 'The Priests,' there were parts that weren't properly checked... After all, a movie is just a movie. For questions like this, you might want to ask @fr.simonlee...
-They lack research and understanding of the religion they're using as a theme in the movie...
-Did they not consult it beforehand?
-Maybe the thought since they're nuns, they would pray to Mary because she's a woman...?
-Didn't they even get proper consulting beforehand...?
-Whoa... There are a lot of problems with this movie...
-It seems like they didn't even do any research...
-I'm curious... Are they not supposed to believe in the Virgin Mary? Why? Because she's a bad person...?
-The Virgin Mary is not a deity... So, she can't be the object of prayer. Catholics don't worship the Virgin Mary as a God... The Virgin Mary is like a representative of the faithful...? An intercessor. So, we ask her to pray with us like, "Please pray for us"....
-I also thought 'What???' when they said 'In the name of the Virgin Mary' in the trailer. In Catholicism, the Virgin Mary is revered as the mother of Jesus and someone we ask to pray for us, but we don't worship her as a God... I feel like they don't understand Catholics and just using the religion to exploit it.
-Hul... I was planning to watch this movie, but now I won't...
-What a mess... Ugh...
-I didn't know what was wrong because I'm an atheist..
-The Virgin Mary is a human, nota God. So we ask her to pray with us, not to demand power in her name.
-I can't bring myself to watch this... Them not doing a proper consultation with experts clearly shows that they lack of effort and sincerity in creating the movie.
-Nuns performing an exorcism is fine, but there are basic doctrines that they should respect. If they're going to use Catholicism in their movie, they shouldn't be overturning the basic doctrines.