Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Yoon Sukyeol's reps: "While it may have shocked the public, it's not a crime of rebellion ... It's absurd to do an investigation on this"

Lawyer Seok defended President Yoon's declaration of martial law, saying, "The president has been suffering from the opposition party's obstruction of national affairs. In such a situation, this act (declaration of martial law) is connected to that, and because the opposition party was acting this way, the president declared martial law not out of emotional anger, but as a necessary response."

He continued, "Even if it’s called a disruption of the national constitution, we must remember the excessive use of impeachment, budget cuts, and the disrespect and mockery of many public officials attending the National Assembly." He added, "I believe the impeachment trial is an opportunity to legally settle the disputes over how the rule of law has been mocking and damaged."

Lawyer Seok described the investigation into the current situation as 'irrational.' He stated, "If they had ever read the treason laws, would this be considered treason? It indeed shocked the public, but it's not like the president was trying to seize all power by committing treason. They call it a rebellion, but why would the president start a rebellion?" he argued.

He added, "I believe that some parts of society, especially the opposition party, are exaggerating this situation, making it seem like a national crisis or a rebellion." He continued, "From our perspective, this is not a rebellion. While we respect the impeachment process as it's a procedure under the National Assembly Act, isn't the investigation a bit absurd?"

He added, "He will follow legal procedures, but he is still the president of the country, only temporarily suspended by impeachment. Just because the president calls, does that mean I should go? Following orders isn’t the only legal procedure," he argued.



 -What kind of nonsense is this? Even though it 'failed' in two hours, that doesn't mean this wasn't treason. He attempted a self-coup d'état and failed, that's all.

-No. That's treason.

-This crazy bastard should be executed so he won’t speak nonsense again.

-What the f*ck is he saying?

-Shut up.

-This bastard's mouth should be ripped f*cking open.

-Is your brain just for decoration?

-It's giving me goosebumps how they keep making this sounds like it's not a big deal. Shameless people don’t know shame. Even if the truth comes out, they still believe the lies.

-You bastard, the money you've wasted is over 120 trillion. Do you think martial law is a child’s game?

-He's basically saying the president declared martial law out of anger??? Is the country a joke to you??

-This crazy pig bastard did it out of anger...

-Is martial law a joke? Do you know how much money you've wasted?

-We never asked him to shock us.

-Do you think martial law is a childish game? Do you think the people are a joke?

-Seems like he's out of his mind.

-Tie him up in the middle of Gwanghwamun and let the people stone him to death. I never voted for him, how did such a person become president...

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