Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Q. If you could save one couple from a tragic ending in a drama, who would you pick? 😭

Even couples where both the male and female leads died can be saved.

(Of course, it also applies when only one side died.)

If you could save just one couple, who would it be??

My choice: Myunghee from Youth of Mayã… ã… ã… ã… 


-Emma from Netflix's Original 'One Day'..

-Cha Moohyuk

-Deok Im from 'The Red Sleeve'

-Moohyuk and Eunchae

-Sekyung-ie from 'High Kick'

-Ji Euntak from 'Goblin'

-Miho from 'Big Mouth'ã… 

-That sub-couple from 'Crash Landing on You'

-Jo Insung, Ha Jiwon, and So Jisub's characters in 'Something Happened in Bali'

-Eun Sikyung

-Cha Songjoo...

-Yujin Choi from 'Mr. Sunshine'...

-Myunghee from 'Youth of May' for me too...

-Goo Seungjoon from 'Crash Landing on You'...ã… ã… ã… 

-Myunghee and Sekyung-ieㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

-Cha Sangdoo, Choi Eunhwan

-Nam Gyuri's character from '49 Days' 

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