Monday, December 16, 2024

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Hottest dramas of the year


1st Place 
Queen of Tears
Episodes 15–16 (4th week of April): 96,154 points

2nd Place
Lovely Runner
Episodes 9–10 (5th week of May): 95,789 points

3rd Place
 Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born
Episodes 7–8 (5th week of October): 42,457 points

4th Place
 Love Next Door
 Episodes 9–10 (2nd week of September): 33,645 points

5th Place
 Good Partner
 Episodes 13–14 (4th week of August): 30,165 points

(Data source: TV buzz analysis agency 'Good Data Corporation')


-Lovely Runner is the best!!!

-I've only watched Jeongnyeon and Good Partner.

-Queen of Tears was definitely the most fun.

-Congratulations, Lovely Runner.

-If we're talking about this year's dramas, only the top 1 and 2 come to my mindㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Lovely Runner totally deserved it.

-Lovely Runner was the only one I actually finished watchingㅋㅋㅋ

-Queen of Tears and Lovely Runner made me so happy...

-tvN must be thrilled.

-I only watched the top 1 and 2ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Lovely Runner is the best drama I have ever seen in my entire life💛💙

-I was so happy watching Lovely Runner.

-Love Next Door is ranked so high.

-I watched Queen of Tears late, but it was so goodㅋㅋㅋ

-The top 4 are all tvN's dramas.

-I truly enjoyed Queen of Tears.

-I rewatched Lovely Runner yesterdayㅋㅋ

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