Tuesday, November 19, 2024

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GDragon chooses his best hairstyle through the 'Legendary Hairstyles World Cup'


GDragon did the 'Legendary Hairstyles World Cup' on his first time starring on a radio show (Starry Night) in 12 years

Quarterfinals, group 1

2007 Apple hair vs 2009 Perm hair

Winner: Apple hair

GD: I have to... pick one, right...? I feel like I need to apologize for both... If you ignore the face, Apple hair...

Quarterfinals, group 2

2013 Half-half two-tone vs 2012 Seaweed hair

Winner: Seaweed hair

GD: What kind of person is that guy...?

He chose the seaweed hair because the two-tone hair had an awkward length, but he faced difficulties having meals when he had the seaweed hair.

Quarterfinals, group 3

2013 Egg sushi hair vs 2017 Wolf cut (Byungji Cut)

Winner: Wolf cut

GD: I didn't realize it looked like an egg sushi until someone edited a picture and added chopsticks to it. I was growing out my hair without much thought when I had that wolf cut, so it was comfortable. When you search for 'Byungji cut', only my pictures show up in the results. So, I feel sorry to Kim Byungji. 

Quarterfinals, group 4

2012 Regge hair vs 2012 Cotton candy hair

Winner: Cotton candy hair

It actually wasn't GD's choice. He was heavily pushed by the DJ, Kim Yina, to choose the cotton candy hair.

The fancy semifinal lineupㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

GD: Seaweed hair vs Cotton candy hair feels like a battle between side dish vs snack.

After many twists and turns, the final match came down to Byungji cut vs Cotton candy hair

And the winner is...

He was told to choose randomly and that's how the Byungji cut wins!!!! Congrats.

But honestly, GD's Byungji cut was indeed legendary...

You can watch the full version of the radio show here


-'What kind of person is that guy...?' What the f*ckㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow... I'm jealous of how thick his hair is despite having done all those hairstyles.

-I approve. The Byungji cut syndrome that appeared at the time was totally awful, but it looked f*cking gorgeous on GD.

-No orange hair?!

-I can't believe the cotton candy hair didn't win...

-It's honestly shocking to know that Wolf cut was actually not styled and was just a result of him growing out his hair with no thoughtsㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I personally also think that brown, Byungji cut was the prettiest.

-Only the Byungji cut actually looks pretty out of all those hairstyles. I can't believe he was actually just growing out his hair with no thoughts at that time.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The Byungji cut indeed looks very pretty. So does the cotton candy hair.

-Side dish vs snackㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Is it just me, or don’t male idols generally look good in Byungji cuts? Why do people hate it so much...?

-I vote for the Byungji cut too.

-GD created that Byungji cut syndrome. A poison he unleashed on the music scene.

-I can't believe they didn't include his orange hair. But I agree, he really suits that Byungji cut. 

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