
Thursday, May 30, 2024

The 21 M KRW polaroid pictures that create buzz on Twitter

1. A Japanese record shop held an event where the top 5 buyers could take a Polaroid photo with an NCT member.
2. A fan of Haechan who made it to the top 5 spent 21 M KRW (about 16,000 USD).
3. The member in the attached Polaroid picture is Mark. But since he's also one of the most popular member of the group, it seems like that fan must've spent similar amount of money, or even more. 

Twitter Reactions:
- "With that money, you could attend fan meetings for a lifetime if you stan a different idol."
- "I didn't take the photo, so give me the 21 M KRW back!"
- "Fine, you can have him."
- "I didn't take the photo, so why don't I have 21 million KRW?"
- "You're crazy, you should have put your arm around her waist."

-Even spending hundreds on fan meetings isn't normal.

-To me, it's a waste of money.

-I'm more envious of the fact that she had that amount of money than the photo itself.

-They spent 21 million, yet the photo is so darkㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It looks like it was taken in front of a bathroomㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Well, it's their money... let them do what they want.

-That's insane...

-But the one who said that is not even the person who spent the money. That's just that fan's friend and everyone believes it...

-If it's true, they must have a lot of money. If they can spend that much on their hobby, just leave them aloneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It must be nice to have a lot of money.

-Did they buy 21 M KRW worth of albums?

-With that amount of money, shouldn't they at least rent a studio to take the photos?

-They should've let that fan take 21 photos...

-Hey everyone, it's not confirmed, just rumors, so don't get too worked up.

-Do people really believe that?

-The event itself isn’t the problem, it’s the price...

-Wow, SM has really changed.
