
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Safety concerns arise due to Byun Wooseok's popularity "This is the first time such a thing has happened"


During a recent drama wrap-up event, Yongsan CGV was bustling with excitement, and there were 700,000 people waiting for fan meeting tickets, showing how much attention Byun Wooseok is getting from netizens. Meanwhile, fans were spotted flocking to the site of Byun Wooseok's drama wrap-up interview yesterday and today.

In the past, there have been wrap-up interviews with actors, but there has never been such a crowd gathering around the interview location. Dozens of people surrounded the interview venue, and some even stood on the road, which looked risky. It seemed necessary for the agency to issue a safety notice.


-Whoa, the sasaengs are crazy.

-Wow... Those are all sasaengs?

-Seriously, don't they have anything else to do?

-It's an unofficial schedule... How did so many people find out and come there? Scary...

-These people are seriously out of their minds; they should all be arrested for stalking.

-Wow... Reveal their faces... This is crazy.

-Ew, they're like cockroaches, creepy. They all need to be sued; they're criminals.

-I heard they even went to his house, thought it was just one or two people...

-Wow, this is insane;;

-Yesterday, even reporters were surprised, saying they've never seen so many fans at an interview before.

-Why do they act like this? They're not fans if they don't consider the actor at all; it's an obsession.

-Where do they get the information about the private schedules? They must've gotten the information in an illegal way.

-They need to realize they're being obsessive and stop doing this.

-Stop covering their faces and just capture them all.

-Is he becoming the next Lee Junki?
