Thursday, May 30, 2024


A fan spent $16,000 to take this picture

I wonder if it's true...? I converted it and it equals to 20M KRW

-Wow... That's insane. Is that Mark?

-Who's the girl??
 ㄴI think she's just a wealthy fan of Mark. There's a thing where fans can take a picture one on one with the member, with the pose as the fan wants, during a fan event.

-What is this? Where was this taken??

-What's this about? If you pay money, do you get to take a picture one-on-one?

-I heard that it's quite expensiveㅋㅋㅋ The event was held in Japan, no wonder why it cost her that much as she's a foreignerㅋㅋㅋ Besides, they're not just picking 30-50 people. They only picked 6-7 people to take picture one-on-one.

-It's surprising that physical contact is allowed to that extent.. From what I've seen from the reviews of the photo sessions so far, it seemed like at most it was just a creating a heart pose with hands
 ㄴIt might be because of the angle. It doesn't seem like there's any physical contact.

-I saw other photos from that day, and it seems like another fan took a photo with Mark with a pose that's similar to a back hugㅋㅋㅋ

-They don't even let you hold the members' hands at fan signings, so it's surprising that they allow this, it's bewildering

-Is a single photo worth 20 million KRW..? Well, I mean it may be, especially if it's your favorite idol..? But still, 20 million KRW... Hmm...

-A Polaroid photo worth 20 million KRW..

-Wow, the poses are a bit too much

-Wow, I'm jealous

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