Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What would you do if a drama filming team requests to film at your house, company, or store?


One day, a drama filming team contacts you, saying that they want to film at your home, office, or store (if self-employed)

The conditions are as follows:

1. Scheduled for 5 hours of filming - rental fee is 1M KRW, with additional compensation of 100K KRW per hour. Any loss of revenue from business or store operation during that time will be separately calculated and settled.

2. Your favorite actors will come and take photos and give autographs.

3. You are allowed to remain on-site during filming if you maintain a serious demeanor for surveillance purposes.

4. You can promote it separately as a drama filming location (e.g., banners, signs, Instagram, etc.).

5. During filming, there may be computer use and movement of equipment, but we promise to restore everything to its original state. You may claim damages if anything is damaged.

What will you do?

1. Allow

2. Decline

-1M KRW for 5 hours?? I could smash up my couch and TV for that much... Like, why not just buy a new couch and TV with that? Seems like a better deal... Sure, I'd watch if it's my fave actors, but if not, I'd rather spend 5 hours at Starbucks to kill time.

-Not if they want to film at my house

-Absolutely not, drama crews are jerks.

-If my favorite singer or actor were coming... I'd consider it. But otherwise, absolutely not.

-Absolutely not happening.

-For companies or stores, maybe, but absolutely not for homes. Even if the filming crew promises to enter and leave quietly, your home would likely get damaged.

-No way.

-We used to rent our house as a drama set often, and the experiences were so diverse. The first company was really clean and respectful, cleaned up after using everything, so when they recommended another filming team, we accepted. But they ended up digging up the yard, breaking trees and plants, cigarette butts were found everywhere in the house, and they scratched the floors. When we complained, they just said "yes, yes" and then stopped responding to our calls afterwardㅋㅋㅋ

-When I was in elementary school, they once filmed "Love and War" at my houseㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-If I didn't know anything, I might have chosen 1. But having worked at a company that often rented out as a filming location, no. They never restore your stuffs, they don't handle your items with care. 

-Absolutely not, get lost.

-They'll probably damage something... but if my favorite actor's coming, then okay.

-222222222222 They'll wreck everything, steal, and cause chaos. Can't make up for that with that little money.

-I've filmed dramas at places I used to work part-time before, and they paid a lot more than this... Also, it wasn't as messy or chaotic as I thought it would be.

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