
Saturday, March 9, 2024

Why Korea Doesn't Have Extreme Obesity


Because they will die from complications of diabetes before it gets to this point.
The pancreatic function of Asians is 50% lower compared to Westerners.

-Oh, there was a scientific reason behind it! I thought it would be because of social pressure (self-consciousness) just by reading the title.

-Right... We can't bear it until it gets to that point.

-Oh... I didn't know that

-I bet their spine, knees, and ankles must be really painful


-Oh, so that's why...

-Right, it's better to die before it gets to that point...

-Weak pancreas... If that's the case, it should've started hurting before it gets to that point.

-Ah... I should manage myselfㅠㅠㅠ

-Our pancreas is like a fragile glas...

-Rather than due to illness or genetic reasons, could extreme morbid obesity like that caused by diet? I'm curious.

-In Korea, while it is relatively less compared to Western countries, extreme morbid obesity is emerging. According to recent analysis, 2 out of 5 Korean adults are obese, and the prevalence of 'extreme morbid obesity' has nearly tripled in the past decade, according to the research. The alarming increase in the prevalence of third-degree obesity among young age groups, particularly those in their 20s to 40s.

-They seem to have everything going well for them, even their pancreas. I'm so jealous. 