
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Did HYBE hire gangsters in place of a security team? One of HYBE's security team grabbed my clothes and yanked me out. I had to go to a hospital and was diagnosed with a fracture.


Did HYBE hire gangsters instead of a security team? On the day of a HYBE artist's departure, one of the security team grabbed my clothes and pushed me so hard. I had to seek medical attention and they said I had a fracture, so I had to wear a cast. Both the celebrities and security teams have already left.  There's no customer service or inquiry desk I can contact. I feel like I stepped on a pile of crap. 

I endured all of this silently for quite a long time. About 10 days after that incident happened, I somehow managed to contact the security team and told them about the incident. They asked me why it took me so long to contact them and insisted that if I had mentioned it at that time, they would've taken actions. 

It's not like I had an X-ray attached to my eyes. How could I diagnose whether it was just muscle pain or a fracture at that time? Also, they argued that what they did was unavoidable for the protection of the artist and insisted there was no malicious intention behind it. Why does HYBE's security team always resort to violence like this? Breaking bones in the name of artist protection?


-You can't call that 'artist protection'. That's assault. 

-I seriously hope the OP would sue that security team..

-That's f*cking serious... She couldn't even prepare herself to be thrown like that...

-It looks like HYBE recruits guys who are known to be the gangsters in their neighborhood...

-Is HYBE going to stay f*cking silent amidst all of this?? I'm so sick and tired of them

-HYBE again?

-That is insane...

-I hope the OP wouldn't think twice about suing HYBE's security team. That's assault. It's a criminal act. 

-That guy was hired to protect the artist, not to hurt the fansㅠㅠ I really hope the OP would sue him...

-I'm sure HYBE makes a lot of money. I hope they've learned their lesson and are considering to hire a professional security team for their artists now. 

-Since when did protecting the artists require assaulting fans like that? 
