Sunday, September 3, 2023

ITZY becomes in talk for the quality of their live broadcasting after their last stage for their most recent promotions

 Below are screen captures from Youtube


Not only the screen captures, but the actual video is actually as bad
Fans have been asking for better qualities since a few years ago, but they still haven't gotten any feedback so far

For your information, they're currently in South Korea, not abroad


-I can't see their faces...

-JYP is known for having shitty wifi. I didn't know it was this bad.

-Are they in a basement or what? Signals in basements are not even that bad these days...

-Did they mess up the broadcast setting or what?? Isn't this 480P...?

-I'm not even surprisedㅎㅎ

-Does JYP Ent. building have no wifi??

-I don't think that's 720P... It looks like 360P...

-I watched their live broadcast and what pisses me off is that one second the quality is okay, the next second it goes bad...

-What do they expect us to see?ㅠㅠ Their faces are so blurry, I can't see anything...

-Is this 240P?

-Is their company their own hater...?

-Are you sure this clip is from 2023...?

-I can't even tell who is who...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-What the f*ck...? The quality wasn't even that bad back in the 2nd Gen...

-I wonder what kind of camera they use for live broadcasting that the quality is so bad...?? Are they using 2G phone or what?

-...? Do you guys even see anything...?

-I can't imagine how upset their fans must be...

-I have never seen any live broadcasting with quality as bad as this one...

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