
Sunday, December 18, 2022

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IVE's Jang Wonyoung is on the last stage of 'Unnie disease'


Did you guys see our Leeseo yesterday?💕
She did really well even when she performed alone

Even when she came for the interview, she was the only one I could see among all those people💗

So cute, mine😣
I'm really an Unnie now... Ah🤦‍♀️
Why are you like that Unnie

So f*cking adorableㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Did you see our Liz yesterday?
I rooted for her before she went on stage
She's such a shy person, so adorable❣️
She looked so pretty on stage and nailed the performance><
I watched her from the MC seat and I smiled with happinessㅎㅎ

And our Gaeul Unnie, Yujin Unnie, and Rei also did the main performance really cool. They're the best.
They're all the best. Love you🥰🤍

She also mentioned the rest of the members, in case she'd get hate if she didn't


1. [+51][-2] No matter how much people try to make her look bad, Wonyoung is still that person who thinks of every single of her teammates preciously. She even mentioned them all. Whoa, I don't know who you are but you guys are freaking ridiculous for disliking this post.

2. [+41][-2] The fact that she mentioned every single of her teammates, she has a great sense

3. [+36][-1] Wonyoung was like a puppy who followed her Unnies everywhere back when she was still in IZONEㅋㅋ She grew up really wellㅋㅋ

4. [+30][-1] If you look at Wonyoung's messages, they're either showing her affection towards her fans or her teammates. I can't imagine how tough it must be for her because of all the fabricated stories about her.

5. [+26][-2] Wonyoung... Even the way she talks is really beautiful