
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

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NCT Dream wins Best Album of The Year on Genie Music Awards


For your information, the points were made up of 60% from digital sales and 40% from judges
The total sales of physical albums are not counted


-They won both Daesang Awards??

-This is too much. Do they really have to do this? They're already famous anyway

-I'm sure they were also surprised when they were announced as the winner

-SM-ah, you should know when to stop

-Don't they deserve this because the total sales of their physical albums are high??

-What makes this any different from Produce 101?

-SM... Just make your own awards ceremony at this point. I beg you.

-SM is really not holding it back this time... I'm laughing out loudㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Do the awards have any meaning at all at this point?

-SM is taking this way too far. They still haven't changed at allㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I'm getting secondhand embarrassment...

-SM, you're so cheap
