Thursday, November 24, 2022


I think Red Velvet's upcoming album is their prettiest album ever


The design is like a journal/diary decor...? That I think fans would go crazy for...
It's so prettyㅠㅠ


1. [+63][-4] I think Red Velvet Wendy's solo album is the prettiest, it has dried flowers

2. [+56][-3] Feel My Rhythm album was made out of a music box and now they're creating an album made out of a real cake... I think one of the secrets behind Red Velvet's long-lasting career is their album designer team. I love how they have an unique concept + conceptual design + elegant beat

3. [+50][-3] Feel My Rhythm album was also really pretty... I couldn't find the picture of the other version of this albumㅠㅠ

4. [+40][-3] Legendary. I'm not a fan, but I really want to buy that album

5. [+39][-3] Crazy... It's so freaking pretty. I'm a boy group stand, but I want to buy one for my collectionㅋㅋ

6. [+25][-1] The 3D glasses and tickets from their Zimzalabin album were really fascinating to meㅋㅋㅋ 

7. [+23][-1] I personally really like their Peek-a-boo album... I bought oneㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+21][-1] I think now I know why Red Velvet has a lot of female fans... It's because they're elegantㅋㅋ Everything about them is always pretty, from the combination of their visual to their music

9. [+19][-1] Every art directors who work with Red Velvet are really talented... I'm so jealousㅠㅠ

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